The Little Potion Co - The Benefits of Potion Play - Jade and May

The Little Potion Co - The Benefits of Potion Play

The Little Potion Co - The Benefits of Potion Play

Magic is not just for fairytales and Harry Potter. It can be found in everyday life - if you know where to look! And The Little Potion Co know where to look.. and help you find it


The Little Potion Co will help your little one turn a simple bowl of water into a magical potion that will make them believe they are invisible... brave... lucky.. or anything! Imaginative play helps children to tap into their imagination and see the world in a new way, allowing them to believe that anything is possible.  There are no 'rules' with potion play, allowing little one's to work through any of their big feelings whilst opening themselves up for a mini adventure in their own backyard.  Let them scrummage through the yard to add treasures to their potions and get the benefits of outside play.. and grounding them at the same time. 

Magic potion play has so many benefits to childhood education, from allowing children to explore different smells, textures, and colours to developing problem-solving skills through role-playing activities and increasing their creativity abilities, sparking imagination to be anything they want to be. 

This type of play helps children to understand that the world is full of possibilities and It also helps them to be more aware of the natural world around them. It opens up their imagination and helps to develop a connection to nature through the use of natural and non-toxic ingredients. It allows children to search through nature for potion ingredients and learn the way of Mother Earth's natural materials. 

It is a great way for them to learn about the world around them in a fun and safe environment, re-enacting life situations and or experimenting with make-believe. It fosters creativity and imagination and helps to develop gross motor skills and hand-eye coordination, such as mixing, scooping, pouring and grinding.

Magic potion play also allows children to strengthen their emotional responses, encourage cooperation and help to create empathy. It allows children to express themselves in a less structured environment and can also be a great way to teach children about the benefits of outdoor play, which we all know is so important to children's development and education,

They can explore, make mistakes and take risks in a safe setting that is the magic of potion play, or maybe they'll put together a magic potion to help them conquer their fears & worries.  

So the next time you're looking for a way to engage your child's imagination, why not try setting up a magic potion-making station in the backyard? Grab some colourful magic fizz and let their imaginations run wild. They're sure to have a blast – and you might just be surprised by what they come up with