Jade and May Rewards Program
Jade and May Rewards Program - Join, Earn & Redeem
Sign up for a Jade and May Account and you'll automatically start earning points for your loyalty. It's a small way we can show you, our beautiful customers, that we lurve you. Because, we really, really do!
So how do you earn? It's as easy as:
- Register for a Jade and May Account here and get an easy 200 points PLUS you'll get an email with your 10% off Welcome Code
- Be Social! Come on, we all know how much it means to a small business when we follow and share them somewhere on the 'net. Such a small act can eel pretty mighty to the people behind the brand. So to show you, how much it really does mean to us - you'll earn 100 points for doing so - so you win, we win - and your mates now know about us.. so we think that's a win for them, too!
- Spend. Go on, make your money matter. Spend it on small business and you'll feel good, fill your house with good... and now we'll give you points so oneday you can treat yourself a little something, something - on us!
- And if you are not a secret squirrel when it comes to your D.O.B then add it in when you sign up... and we'll automatically add some points to your account in celebration when the big day arrives
- Check your balance and start redeeming on the Green Icon at the bottom left of your page - can't see it? Hit refresh and it'll be back!
So, there you go. Let's face it - it's not a 'get rich quick' kinda scheme but you will get some lovely little perks occasionally for not doing much at all, so go on - sign up and start earning. We can't wait to see what you add to cart for yourself when you start redeeming!
Love Team Jade and May x